Saturday, May 18, 2024

Book Review: My Sweet Audrina by VC Andrews

Title: My Sweet Audrina
Author: VC Andrews
Series/Standalone: Standalone
Genre: Horror, Adult Fiction
Pages: 403
Publisher: Pocket Books
Year Published: 1982
Format: Physical Copy

"VC Andrews, author of the phenomenally successful Dollanganger series, has created a fascinating new cast of characters in this haunting story of love and deceit, innocence and betrayal, and the suffocating power of parental love.
Audrina Adare wanted so to be as good as her sister. She knew her father could not love her as he loved her sister. Her sister was so special, so perfect- and dead.
Now she will come face with the dangerous, terrifying secret that everyone knows. Everyone except....
My Sweet Audrina."

DNF @ 60%
My Rating: 1/5

I bought this book after I read Flowers in the Attic when I was in high school and finally decided to pick it up. This book did NOT age well. While I understand that language choices have changed over the past 40 years, I'm curious how this book was reprinted in 2011. I'm also curious as to how people didn't see where the twist was. After reading the first chapter I was pretty sure I knew exactly what was going to happen and after reading the spark notes I was correct about the twist. I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone. 

Thanks for reading,


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