Sunday, July 7, 2024

Book Review: Off to the Races by Elsie Silver

Title: Off to the Races
Author: Elsie Silver
Series/Standalone: Gold Rush Ranch (Book #1)
Genre: Contemporary, Small Town, Romance, Adult
Pages: 334
Publisher: Indie Published
Year Published: 2021
Format: Ebook (Kindle Unlimited)
First Line: "Lights flash all around me, forcing me to cover my eyes with my forearm."

"Keeping things professional with my employees has never been an issue. Until she waltzed onto my property.
Billie is talented. She's mouthy. And she's so damn tempting. I can't stop thinking about all the ways I could take her down a peg.
I can't stop thinking about her, period.

We clash from the moment we meet. And in a small town, on an even smaller farm, it's hard to keep your distance. It's even harder to keep that friction from turning to fire.

But keeping my distance? That might be the biggest struggle of all. Because Billie is the whole package, whip-smart with a body I fantasize about when I'm alone, and quite possibly the only woman who can save this business- and me.

She drives me crazy. In every sense of the word. Every smart-mouthed little comment- every game we play- I end up wanting more. Wanting her closer. With me. Under me.

I try not to let her get to me, but the more time we spend together the more I crave her. Her lips. Her trust. Her heart.

I want it all.

But at what cost?

Because suddenly I don't just want to win races, I want to win the girl."

My Rating:5/5

It's been a while since I stayed up to finish a book and had no interest in sleep while trying to get to the end and this one did it for me. In the beginning, I was a little hesitant because the male lead is a little hard for me to get behind a rich guy acting the way he does but with time he grew on me. Billie on the other hand I loved from the word go! She's fire, she's passionate and she's amazing. I love the way Elsie Silver builds on her stories to extend to the next book in a natural way. It doesn't feel forced it seems to come around naturally. I love it! The chosen family vibes in this immaculate. Would highly recommend it if you want a small-town romance on a horse farm!

Thanks for reading,


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