Sunday, August 4, 2024

Review: Everything Vol. 2: Black Friday

Title: Everything Vol. 2: Black Friday
Author: Christopher Cantwell
Illustrator(s): I.N.J. Culbard, Steve Wands
Genre: Graphic Novel, Horror, Science Fiction, Adult
Pages: 128
Publisher: Berger Books
Year Published: 2020
Format: Paperback (Library Copy)

"Things in Holland, Michigan are stranger than ever: while some of the townspeople fall deeper into the mysteries of the disturbingly alluring and increasingly inescapable Everything mega-store, a growing array of renegade citizens form an underground resistance against its masters. Murky answers to bizarre questions finally surface... who, or what, is really in control of Everything... and why? Monstrous villains will be revealed, all out war will explode out in the parking lot, and deep beneath the store, the remaining few will venture forth into an unfathomable- maybe even inhuman- horizon as the American Dream gets derailed in a nightmarish turn."

My Rating: 1/5

I don't know why I expected this to be able to hit all the plot points that I hoped it would. This felt rushed and I was hoping for a bigger build-up of what was going on with this company, this town and this science fiction setting. It was not all I hoped.

Thanks for reading,

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