Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Book Review: Let Me Hear A Rhyme by Tiffany D. Jackson

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Title: Let Me Hear A Rhyme
Author: Tiffany D. Jackson
Series/Standalone: Standalone
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary
Pages: 384
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
Year Published: 2019
Format: Audiobook

"Biggie Smalls was right. Things done changed. But that doesn't mean that Quadir and Jarrell are okay letting their best friend Steph's tracks lie forgotten in his bedroom after he's killed- not when his beats could turn any Bed-Stuy corner into a celebration, not after years of having each other's backs. 

Enlisting the help of Steph's younger sister, Jasmine, Quadir and Jarrell come up with a plan to promote Steph's music under a new rap name: The Architect. Soon, everyone in Brooklyn is dancing to Steph's voice. But then his mixtape catches the attention of a hotheaded music rep and- with just hours on the clock- the trio must race to prove Steph's talent from beyond the grave. 

Now, as the pressure- and danger- of keeping their secret grows, Quardir, Jarrell, and Jasmin are forced to confront the truth about what happened to Steph. Only each has something to hide. And with everything riding on Steph's fame, together they need to decide what they stand for before they lose everything they've worked so hard to hold on to- including each other."

My Rating: 4/5

This is a book that has been recommended to viewers frequently by emmmabooks on Youtube and I wasn't too sure if it would be my cup of tea. Needless to say that it is extremely looked over and should have a way larger fan base than it does. This story really comes down to friendship and loyalty that transcends death. What would you do to make your best friends dreams come true, living or dead? I also think that the author did a great job of adding different plot points to keep the story moving (lying to a music exec, finding out who killed Steph, etc). I really enjoyed this book, and it was eye-opening to read about the 90s in Brooklyn. I'm interested in reading more works by the author and hope to get to them soon.

Thanks for reading,

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