Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Spoiler: Half Bad by Sally Green

This story really caught me off guard. I found it interesting to read about the good and evil in this world and then those who have no idea what's going on. The world building in this series was interesting and wonderful for me. A good mix of fantasy and reality. I was also interested in the Black Witches and how their world works. The world of the White Witches is easy enough to understand. I'm looking forward to further exploring the both in the next novel.

Nathan: He's seen a lot for his short amount of time on this earth. It seems that neither group is interested enough in him to help him. The white witches want to use him and well the black witches seem to hate Marcus, so why help his child? I also wonder what he will do about Annalise and Gabriel.

Arran: I hope he does have an opportunity to live a happy life and almost that he forgets about Nathan. He was one of the only ones who were kind to Nathan. Maybe they will catch up in the future.

Annalise: I wonder about what will become of her. Will she be left there, sleeping forever? Or will he manage to free her, and then will she ever truly understand him and his life?

Mercury: What will she do with people onto her? Will she continue to hunt down Marcus for her sister? And what is the story behind that?

Marcus: What was his life like and why did he become the way he did? How did he meet Nathan's mother? I have so many questions.

Gabriel: I loved him. To think that he could transform into anything and chose to be just an average person is strange. It's ridiculous that he was stuck like that. But where is he now?

Rose: Her death hit me harder than I expected she was one of a kind, willing to work against her own.

Moments to Remember:

Final Line: "Gabriel."

Thanks for reading,

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