Friday, May 18, 2018

Spoiler: The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan

This series started off with a bang and the same sense of humour that I've got to know and love with Rick Riordan's storytelling. I loved the change of pace and how quickly our character got thrown into camp and out of it again with a new mission. I also enjoyed seeing demi-gods from other godly children. They were interesting to read about.

Leo: I really liked Leo and his tinkering ways. It made me happy to see a more diverse demi-god who has such a unique talent. I also liked that he was trained by Hera to be a "little hero." 

Jason: I think that his amnesia really drove the story overall and made the story a bit of a mystery. I also enjoyed the way that the characters interacted with Jason as they found out more about his past. I'm excited to see how his past is so different than Percy Jackson's.

Piper: I loved that she was a daughter of Aphrodite who was willing to go on a mission, not just reapply her lipstick and think about her looks. I loved everything about her.

Hera: What a catty character for a goddess. I loved that this was such a dilemma, whether or not we should save her, or let her suffer.

Thalia: Glad to see her again, with the hunters of Artemis.

Coach Hedge: I loved his attitude and his ego even though there were times where it was annoying.  I can't wait to see more of this character in the next book.

Thanks for reading,

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