Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Spoiler: Soul Surfer by Bethany Hamilton

This book is a blessing to us all.... in my opinion. Bethany makes me personally believe in everything more than before... like my personal pep talk. My faith, my family, my friends and myself all have a more meaningful purpose. I'm also happy to learn about other peoples experiences.
I love how Bethany thought about the the accident would affect everyone, not just herself. She never seemed to be 'woe is me'. She is a superb optimist.
Alan and Holt were amazing. To be there when it happened and still get in the water, it amazes me.
The whole thing affected not only friends and family, but really the whole community. Maybe both in a good way and a bad way. I'm sure more people come now and they have an optimist in Bethany. The bad way.. I'm sure lots we're afraid of the water... I know I would be.
Not only does Bethany inspire confidence and optimistic, she also shows faith. Faith that is almost extinct in the 21st century.
She has inspired me to live everyday like it's my last. And to have a closer relationship with God.

"What does God have in store for me? I really don't know, but I do know one thing for sure: the adventure has only started."

♥PG. 46
"So I guess that makes me the star competitor of the family- not that it gets me out of doing my chores at home."

♥PG. 54
"Here's what I think: you make your own adventure in life. And I truly believe that if you open your eyes to your surroundings, there's a lot of neat stuff to be found practically anywhere one earth. For me, the grass is never greener outside Hawaii."

" I remember most clearly what the Kauai paramedic said to me: He spoke softly and held my hand as we were pulling out of the Tunnels parking lot. He whispered in my ear, 'God will never leave you or forsake you.'
He was right."

♥PG. 123
"Life is full of what-ifs. You can't let it hold you back. You can't let it hold you back.. If you do, you're not really leaving at all. just going through the motions with no meaning."

"I believe in God
I don't mean that I believe in Him like a person might believe in, say, gravity or the sun coming up in the morning. Those are just facts that don't mean anything. I mean I really believe in God."

♥PG. 209
"I was just say what's in my heart hopefully my mouth cooperates."

"The best part of the day: They got to see our glorious sunset on the beach. What I like to think of God painting his story board on the sky!"

Sincerely, Sidny

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