Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Spoiler: The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan

So this series is a total reread for me. I haven't read it in about 6-10 odd years so some of my opinions have changed. And while I believe it's important to reread our favourites and realize the problems with them, I still really enjoyed this second book.
I remember in the first book feeling that our main character should have been older, just based on the way they read. That being said, listening to the audiobook really helped me to remember how young our main characters are, along with the side characters.
I really enjoyed the change of pace and the adventure aspect of this story and I can't wait to continue this series.

Percy: I think that Percy's sense of humour is his best quality (that's my own opinion). I loved his sarcasm and sense of wit. I can't wait to read more about him. That being said there are points in this book where he is frustratingly naive. Which is to be expected since he is 13 years old. 

Annabelle: I really enjoyed her sass and bad assery. She doesn't give a shit what other people think. She is wise (haha) beyond her years and a true hero in my eyes.

Tyson: Probably my favourite character in this story because of how sweet and innocent he was. He reminded me of some children I've worked with in the past. He was very sweet and I wonder how he will do under the sea.

Grover: He's kind of bothersome in the audiobook, that being said, he's grown up since the first book and deserves recognition for this.

Luke: Something isn't right with him and why he turned.. I wonder what his next move will be.

Chiron: I like his party relatives vs how calm and cool and collected he is. He's always in control, but not even he can control who his father is.

Hermes: Sweet to know that he didn't desert his kids.

Clarisse: I still don't care that much for her. I don't care that she has such strong pride, but also at some point you can admit that you need help.

Thanks for reading,

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