Monday, January 21, 2019

Spoiler: Renegades by Marrisa Meyer

I'm a pretty big fan of most Marvel movies. Let's start by saying that. When one comes out I usually either go to see it or binge watch a series (all the Iron Man movies, etc). I was so excited to hear about the premise of this book and even more excited when Gee from Bookroast said she would be reading this book for her book in a jar.
And that's about it. 
This story wasn't what I hoped it to be and I had some issues with some aspects of the story. For example, why doesn't anyone recognize anyone else's voice? Is anyone ever suspicious of the new girl looking into weapons and armoury on her first day? Why must every YA have a romance? Was one of our main characters unreliable?

Nova: I liked her perspective. The battle between what was right and wrong in her head was interesting especially seeing how she grew up. I was also curious about where her allegiance may lie over time due to her budding (barf) relationship with Adrian. I wasn't surprised when she pulled the trigger, because she has good instinct, I was more surprised with her meeting Ace at the end of the story.

Adrian: The Sentinel is stupid. I'm just saying it. It's an unpracticed superhero sucking at what he does. All he ever seems to do is mess up. Also what about his mom and dad? I'm guessing Max was used on her first before she "fell" to her death. 

The Detonator: Being cooped up underground clearly did her no favors and the ideas that she had might have worked if she wasn't the stereotypical gloating villain. Just do your shit and get it over with.

Max: He is who I want to know about. Does he know what they are going to use his blood for? Would he agree to it? Where did he get all his abilities and does he believe everything he hears about his parents from the council?

Ace: When will he strike and why didn't he just kind of convince Nova that he was still alive? I'm guessing that he was behind the attack on her family due to her dad saying that the Renegades would come, Ace wouldn't have liked that shit one bit.

Captain Chromium: I just can't with this guy. His name. His look. Everything other than his wholesome family is too much for me.

Dread Warden: Far more likeable in my book. I felt like he was more compassionate to those around him. Even those he wasn't related to.

Ruby: She's ok. Obviously, she will be getting together with Oscar in the new future. Yay more budding romance that isn't necessary.

Leopold: I like him. I like his car. His use of vocabulary and the fact that he's just overall poisonous. Pretty dope.

Honey: Stereotypical female villain. Is "vain" and thinks about her self also has some natural element to her. Just wish she could have conjured huge birds instead.

Oscar: I liked his rep and that he wasn't a pushover. He was able to hold his own and was just like everyone else.

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